jueves, 13 de enero de 2011


We chose to make a high-heel shoe for indoor use in space. This way we were able to make something elegant and sexy by not having to deal with extreme conditions like temperatures. We also wanted to make shoes that function with gravity like on planet Earth, as we feel that in zero gravity you donít really need shoes.

For anything going up in the air or even further like in this case into space, size and weight become more and more important; the further the journey, the more costly per weight and volume. This led us to our own criteria: to make something as light and small as possible while remaining fashionable. Although we have experience making super lightweight carbon fiber high-heeled shoes like some of the styles we have in our current collections, to minimize the volume was a new challenge for us.

In order to achieve our goals we came up with a flat-packed carbon fiber platform construction. The customerís can assemble the shoes by themselves while the uppers of the shoes are interchangeable and suitable for customizing. This way the shoes can be changed and updated over time, which should be convenient as the supply of shoes in space will be limited.

lunes, 10 de enero de 2011


Son  muchas las ocasiones en que mis ojos se destrozan caminando por la calle y no es el humo del tabaco, ni la polución, ni una rama de un árbol... No, son las aberraciones que hay gracias a gente que dice ser diseñadora por saber utilizar el "fotochó" o el word en modo experto...

En fin para ellos unas nociones básicas en Comic Sans Criminal un proyecto universitario de diseño gráfico, de los que valen la pena mencionar.

Creada por Matt Dempsey, la web intenta instruir a los jóvenes diseñadores sobre el uso y aplicación de la Comic Sans. Ya que la vas a utilizar, por lo menos házlo bien!

Esta guía práctica, de elegante diseño tipográfico y sencillas ilustraciones, nos advierte sobre los peligros de un mal diseño y como afirma su creador nos enseña que todas las fuentes tienen una personalidad y un propósito.

Fuente: Comunicando